
Monday, 8 July 2013

Lauren's Way Fabulous Flutter false lashes

Okay, so Lauren Goodger - what do you think? I actually think she's okay; not a big life icon but not hideously irritating so that's always good!

Last year we saw the release of the Lauren's Way self tanner (l o v e by the way) and earlier this year she brought out her false eyelashes, hair accessories and hair extensions. Released in mid April you can choose from 4 styles - the two daytime ones are Daytime Dazzle and Fabulous Flutter and the evening styles are Midnight Diva and Essex Glamour.

I used Daytime Dazzle* and the product photo displays them like this :

Unfortunately I couldn't use my own photograph as mine were trimmed for me at the event in London a couple of months ago and I didn't want to give an unrealistic photo of the size. The get slightly longer towards the outer corner giving a more wide eyed look and they're suitable for every day wear.

Before I go into my review I just wanted to put a little disclaimer so you can get an idea of my situation here : I have sensitive eyes, especially in summer with the world's worst hayfever but even in the Spring, Autumn and Winter my eyes are sensitive. I can't even put eyeliner on my waterline sometimes because then I get a really tragic case of "weepy eye" (made that endearing term up with my uni friends but there isn't another way to describe it!) so I don't always get on well with false eyelashes. These lashes did not cause me any irritation or any problems at all. I'm not a master at applying false eyelashes - infact I'm terrible at it but my usual routine was to have one of my friends do it for me before we went out to the Student Union on a Wednesday night. Due to my sensitive eyes this would sometimes result in pulling them off around midnight hoping that everyone else around me was too busy to notice or it looking like I was having a mild emotional breakdown while my eyes went red and watery. Can you say CUTE? Anyway, less about me and more about the eyelashes (and me).

I wore these last week from around 4pm to 11pm when I went to London and this is how they looked when they were first applied:

As you can see these lashes are relatively discreet which is perfect for me. For me false lashes are there to enhance what I've already got not to mask my own lashes entirely. I hate it when I can feel them touching my eyelid or lower eyebrow!  

From the side these are also relatively inoffensive (unlike my eyebrows at the moment, sorry!) - they give some length but it's not obvious that these lashes are glued on!

The next two photos are from when I got home at around 11-11.30pm. They're still in place and there's no obvious irritation to my eyes.

Overall I really, really enjoyed wearing these all evening. They were comfortable, they didn't need reapplying and they stayed in place through train journeys, walking from station to station and an evening outdoors. The Lauren's Way glue provided is good quality and doesn't smell. It's also easy to remove from the lashes after use so there's no gross gooey build up!

Once these lashes reach their demise I'll definitely be going after another pair of Daytime Dazzle lashes, possibly whilst picking up some hair extensions too!

The entire range of Lauren's Way eyelashes are available from selected Debenhams stores or from the Lauren's Way website here (click!) for £6.95* each.
*I received my lashes in a gift bag from the Lauren's Way event but my opinion and review is 100% honest.

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