
Sunday, 27 April 2014

First Impression : Clarisonic Aria

Okay, so I caved... I've been considering getting a Clarisonic for a while but haven't felt I could justify it. I've read loads of reviews and tried to figure out which model to go for and finally settled on the newest release, the Aria.

The handheld device is a sonic facial cleansing system. From what I understand it doesn't spin but it vibrates and pulses to deliver a deep cleanse to the face. With an easy to use brush head and timer this product does actually look like it could do the job of fully cleansing my skin and ridding my life of blackheads without over complicating my cleansing routine.

It comes with a drying stand and a magnetic charger that can be slipped into the stand to make it a charging stand. The cable is a USB so it can be plugged into any USB friendly device to charge. This makes travelling with it much easier as there's no fussy plugs to worry about! 

My first impressions have been something like this : "Ooh, okay. That's weird and kind of new to my face." After the initial getting-used-to-it period it's actually quite therapeutic to have this little thing buzzing away at your blocked pores! I've tried two liquid cleansers and ultimately have been left with smooth skin so far... What I'm really interested in is if it clears blackheads and milia (tiny little calcium bumps) as well as encouraging all the gunk to get out of my pores so spots don't form.

I'll be updating you on here under the tag "Clarisonic Aria" with my opinion on the Clarisonic every week so check back next Monday for how I'm getting on!

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1 comment:

  1. If this works for you I will definitely consider buying one. Looking forward to updates.
